Name of Licensee:* |
License Number:* |
Address of Licensed Premises: |
Applicant Email: |
Phone Number: |
For what type of event is this Permit sought?: |
Location of premises where affair will be held: |
Location Name: * |
Location Address: |
Is affair to be held indoors or outdoors? :* |
State date affair will be held and
between what hours alcoholic beverages will be dispensed: |
Date:* |
Time:* |
Rain Date: |
Will a charge be assessed by ticket, contribution or otherwise?: * |
Will there be a cash bar?: * |
Are the premises where the affair is to be held owned by a municipality, county or the State?: * |
Is affair to be held on church property?: * |
Are the premises where affair is to be held licensed?: * |
Check the types of alcoholic beverages to be dispensed if Permit is granted: |
The applicant represents that if a Special Permit is issued, the permittee will fully
abide by all provisions of the New Jersey Alcoholic Beverage Law, State Rules and
Regulations, and Municipal Ordinances and Regulations, the same as if the sale and
service were occurring upon the applicant's licensed premises.
The following consent is to be signed by the person so authorized at the premises where the affair is to be held, including property under the control of a unit of government,
municipality, county or State; a church; or a premises under license or other privately
owned facility.
I certify that I am the person authorized to permit the sale and service of alcoholic beverages on the premises described in the application form, and I certify that there is no objection to the sale and service of alcoholic beverages as herein specified. |
Please enter the verification
code in the box: * |