Sec. 9:6A-1. Pawnbroker's and second hand dealer's license.
As to fees, see Article 17 of this Chapter.
Every person now or hereafter engaged in or carrying on the business of
pawnbroker or buying or selling used or second hand gold, silver,jewelry,
ornaments, wearing apparel, household goods or articles of household use in the
City of Plainfield shall, before engaging in such business, or, after the
effective date of this ordinance continuing to engage in such business, obtain a
license from the Mayor or his designee.
(MC 1972- 10, § 1, March 20, 1972.)
Application for license.
(a) The application for a license shall be in writing and signed by the applicant. It shall be accompanied by the prescribed fees and filed with the License Bureau.
(b) The application for a license shall contain:
- A statement of the name, age and residence of the applicant
- The purpose of the license
- The place where the licensed business will be conducted; and
- The name, age, and residence of each employee of the licensee.
(MC 1972-10, § 1, March 20, 1972.)
License granted by the Mayor
(a) No pawnbroker's or second hand dealer's license shall be granted by the Mayor to any person:
- Who has been convicted of violating any City, State or Federal law or a disorderly person provision
involving moral turpitude.
- Who has misrepresented any facts in the application.
- Who, if he is to be licensed as a pawnbroker hereunder, does not possess a valid State license as a pawnbroker pursuant to N.J.S. 45:22-1 et seq.
- The Mayor may limit, with the approval of the Council, the number of licenses to be granted.
- (MC 1972-10, § 1, March 20, 1972; MC 1972-28, § 1, August 21, 1972.)
Issuance, contents, duration and display of license.
(a) Upon payment of the fees prescribed, the License Bureau shall issue a license to every person granted a license.
(b) The license certificate shall state:
- The purpose of the license.
- The name and business address of the licensee.
- The names and addresses of the employees of the licensee.
- The number of the license.
- The expiration date of the license.
(c) The license period shall be from June 1 to May 31 of each year.
(d) The license shall be displayed in a conspicuous place upon the licensed premises at all times.
(MC 1972-10, § 1, March 20, 1972.)
Keeping records of daily business and changes in personnel.
(a) Every licensee shall maintain and, upon demand by authorized representatives of the Police Division, produce a full and complete record of each and every transaction had in such business, including all deposits, redemptions, purchases and sales, on a day-by-day chronological basis, written in the English language, containing accounts and descriptions, including all distinguishing marks and numbers, of any and all goods, articles, or things pawned, pledged, consigned or purchased, including the sex, color, approximate height and age and any distinguishing features and, where known, the name and residence of the person selling, pawning or consigning merchandise to or with said licensee, together with a statement of the amount of money loaned thereon or paid therefor. A clear copy of such daily records shall be delivered to the Chief of Police prior to 11:00 A.M. of the following business day except that in the case of business done on Saturday, such report may be delivered prior to 11:00 A.M. Monday.
(b) Every licensee shall maintain a record of and forthwith report to the License Bureau all changes in the employees of licensee.
(MC 1972-10, § 1, March 20, 1972; MC 1972-28, § 2, August 21, 1972.)
Retention of merchandise by secondhand dealer or pawnbroker
Each licensed secondhand dealer shall retain and refrain from selling or otherwise disposing of any articles purchased or consigned by or with such licensee for a period of twenty (20) days from the date of such purchase or consignment. Licensed pawnbrokers shall retain merchandise pawned or pledged for one (1) year from the date of the loan, or as otherwise provided by State law.
(MC 1972-10, § 1, March 20, 1972; MC 1972.28, § 3, August 21, 1972.)
Record of sales by licensee.
Every licensee shall maintain and, upon demand by an authorized representative of the Police Division, permit inspection of the record of the name and address of any purchaser on any item purchased, owned, pledged or consigned by or with such licensee and shall note on said record the name and address of the purchaser and the date of purchase.
(MC 1972-10, § 1, March 20, 1972.)
Bureau of License
Division of City Clerk
City Hall Plainfield,
New Jersey
DEFINITION: Section 9:6A-1. Every person now or hereafter engaged in or carrying
on the business of pawnbroker or buying or selling used or second hand gold,
silver, jewelry, ornaments, wearing apparel, household goods or articles of
household use in the City of Plainfield.
Applicant Name: * |
Applicant Email: |
Phone Number: |
Phone or Email Required
Applicant Address: * |
Age:* |
Trade Name (if any): |
Application for a license to operate as a: |
Location: |
Have you ever been arrested or issued a summons for violation of any City, State, or Federal laws?: |
Name, Residence and Age of each employee: |
Name(1): |
Address(1): |
Age(1): |
Name(2): |
Address(2): |
Age(2): |
Name(3): |
Address(3): |
Age(3): |
As a condition to granting of license applied for, the applicant agrees to the following:
a) To maintain and, upon demand by authorized representatives of the Police Division, to produce a full and complete record of each and every transaction had in such business, including all deposits, redemptions, purchases and sales, on a day-by-day chronological basis, written in the English language, containing accounts and descriptions, including all distinguishing marks and numbers, of any and all goods, articles, or approximate height and age and any distinguishing features and, where known, the name and residence of the person selling, pawning or consigning merchandise to or with said licenses together with a statement. A clear copy of such daily records shall be delivered to the Chief of Police prior to 11:00 a.m. of the following business day except that in the case of business done on Saturday, such report may be delivered prior to 11:00 a.m., Monday.
b) To maintain a record of and forthwith report to the License Bureau all changes in the employees of licenses.
c) As a second hand dealer, to retain and refrain from selling or otherwise disposing of any articles purchased or consigned by or with such licenses for a period of twenty (20) days from the date of such purchase or consignment.
d) License pawnbrokers shall retain merchandise pawned or pledged for one year from the date of the loan, or as otherwise provided by state law.
e) To be licensed as a pawnbroker, to affirm that the applicant possesses a
valid State of New Jersey license as a pawnbroker pursuant to N.J.S. 45:22-1, et
Please enter the verification
code in the box: * |