The undersigned herby makes application for a license to carry on the business as
Wholly or in part within the limit of the city, subject to the provision of the ordinances now in force, or which may hereafter be adopted by the City Council (Reference: 9:7-1 et seq.)

A peddler, peddler's assistant, food peddler,  or ice cream peddler who sell or offer for sale any goods, wares or merchandise must be licensed;  a peddler one who goes from house to house, or  place to place, carrying goods for purpose of selling, and delivering them to purchasers; or, who offers services from door to door;  a peddler's assistant is one who assists the peddler in business, but who is not the owner or lessee of the business; a food peddler means one whose activities are limited solely to the sale or distribution of food items from a truck, van, cart or other type of vehicle; an ice cream peddler means a food peddler whose wares are limited solely to ice creams, ices and similar products.

Each vehicle uses for peddling shall be licensed. Every person on it shall be licensed as an assistant. No more than two licensees shall operate from one vehicle.


Please check one (1): *

Total Fee: $
Start Date *
License Period:
Temporary(Days): *
Applicant's Full Name: *
Applicant Email: *
D.O.B: *
Phone Number:
Name and Address of Nearest relatives:
Name and Address of sources from which Goods are sold:
Three References:
(Name, Addresses, and Telephone Number) (NO Relatives)
Place or palces of Residence of applicant for preceding three year:
Business Ownership:
Name and Address of
Owner of business:
Description of Vehicles:  
Plate No:
Year and Make:
Licence No:
Name and Address of Owner of Vehicles:
Description of Goods to be sold:
(Be specific)
Location where Goods are
to be sold:
(Be specific)
Number of arrests or conviction for misdemeanors or crimes & nature of offense:
Explain in details:
Social security # *
Sex: *
Tattoos, Scars, Amputations:
Please Enter the verification
code in the box *
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